Category: Tops

Leather Motorcycle Jacket

For today’s update I have a handcrafted leather motorcycle jacket for your Simmies to wear. (NO animals were killed!!! I grew the leather!!!)

Business As Usual Sweater & Blouse

The original shirt and blouse combo from Eco Living needed a facelift. How about a little sweater & blouse combo to head off to work in?

Grandpa’s Knit Vests

Here is Grandpa’s Favorite Vest as a replacement for the shudder-worthy men’s knit vests that came with Cats & Dogs. There are two different styles for the feline and canine vest.

City Living Ribbed Knit Tank Top

City Living came with the strangest tank top. I admit I’m not all about the high fashion but these were some strange patterns! So here is a new ribbed knit tank top that looks really good in game.

NFL Tops and Bottoms

NFL clothing for everyone is here! There are sweatshirts for both male and female, along with leggings. All 32 teams are represented.