Meg’s First Tank Top
Your Sims are ready for warmer weather and what better way than to throw on a cute cupcake tank top. There are 8 base game compatible swatches.
Your Sims are ready for warmer weather and what better way than to throw on a cute cupcake tank top. There are 8 base game compatible swatches.
Grammie Simmerson will look lovely at her afternoon tea or garden party in one of these crocheted vest she created with her own arthritic hands! There are two knitted styles of vests, each in 9 colors – a colored vest with a white shirt and a white vest with a colored shirt.
Rachel Green Inspired Plaid! She wore an amazing amount of it. The plaid was mouse created by strenee sims based on Rachel’s shirts from the tv show.
One of my favorite items to make for the Sims is maternity clothes. There is something delicate and graceful about the loose flowing designs of maternity clothing.
Happy Birthday to me! Which means Happy Birthday to You! I wanted to add some more cold weather outfits for the Seasons expansion pack.
Sixteen Square Dance dresses inspired by my Grandparent’s matching outfits when they would go out on Saturday night. Now it’s time to hit the dance floor and kick up some dust with your Sims.
I’m certain I’ve mentioned that I’m a child of the 80’s, graduating high school in 1990. The colors and outfits of that time were definitely a one of a kind deal but I absolutely loved them! Miami Vice was my favorite show and these outfits are a tribute to its vibrant wardrobe.
The summertime means maxi dresses for me and of course, my Sims. They will love these breezy dresses in 14 prints and 7 solids that are base game compatible.
Origin/EA ID: streneesims
PACKS: All BUT Journey to Batuu
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Creating Again
I’m somewhat back creating. 2024 has been a crazy year for me personally due to family events. My apologies for going MIA!
~strenee 10.26.24
Read > My Life Mini-Blog
• New Lots
• Easy Landscaping
• 1970s Stuff
• Hello Kitty for the Girls
• Superheroes for the Guys
25 Years of Doing Nothing on the Internet
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